Weight issues are becoming a pain in the neck especially if it complicates other health disorders or affect self esteem or relationships. Maintaining a specific measure seems elusive for many perhaps due to consistent addiction to junk food, slow metabolism or food cravings. For others the weight returns with some extra known in the medical parlance as yoyo syndrome. Exercise and good eating habits matched by correct diet in balanced proportions in a rotated fashion is of significant importance. There are factors to be considered and utilized to the fullest to achieve and maintain the correct weight and healthy body fat distribution.
.Avoid crash dieting as much as you can for it often boomerangs because very low calorie diets as well as free diets slows the metabolic rate ultimately resulting in fewer calorie dissipation. It also increases the risks of heart disease, elevates cholesterol levels and may damage vital organs. Likewise, instantaneous change of diet tends to be counterproductive-everything needs to be measured and applied correctly to achieve desired results.
The wisdom to losing weight in an organic fashion is to modify your diet gradually and efficiently. Firstly make sure you are following a healthy diet of 40% complex carbohydrates, 30% proteins and fruits and 30% low fats before implementing the following techniques:
- Gradually reduce the quantity of healthy food including high calorie and fatty foods. If for example you normally eat chips throughout the week, begin by reducing your portions down by two portions of that meal every two weeks. Do this and by week 8 you will have naturally reduced you chip intake to once a week and eventually to none at all. . Understand the fact food is elixir of life and the most important, so anyone telling you to avoid eating the essential foods you need to function optimally in the name of aiming at looking like a skinny celebrity who may be ugly is only ignorant of facts. All nutrients are essential in balanced proportions as stated earlier including fatty foods - the key is eating them in moderation. In fact women body make up of healthy fat is as much as 25 per cent while for men it is 17 per cent. So transform your favorite foods into treats which you can have on special occasions. Not only will this give you something to look forward to, but these occasional treats will also prevent cravings and binge eating.
. Maintaining a regular health regimen of exercise is crucial in any weight loss approach just as in any other health maintenance formula. Walking, cycling and swimming and others for strength and flexibility like yoga set the pace in a dramatic fashion. Being active also helps-both physically and mentally. All these increase the metabolism. If you are too tired or too busy to go to a cardio class in the evening, go for a walk during your lunch break instead or invest in an aerobics DVD. You can confidently exercise from the comfort of your own home whenever you want.
. Try natural slimming pills. Many natural weight loss pills such as Proactol and Lipobind can be taken even after you have reached your ideal weight. Produced using organic ingredients, by simply modifying your capsule intake these diet pills can support your weight maintenance for as long as you need.
. Eat regular smaller meals in contrast to the traditional heavy three square meals as this helps and improves proper metabolism and increased energy which is a win-win for you any side you look at it. Split your meals into 5 small portions consisting of 300 calories. Spaced out over the course of the day, you can prevent the temptation to snack, keep your metabolism working at optimum capacity and remain in firm control of what calories you are consuming.
. Keep your body constantly hydrated. Often what we mistake as hunger is our body's way of telling us we are thirsty as the body is as much as 70 per cent water and we need enough. So the next time you feel a hunger pang, drink half a glass of quality water like spring water or steam distilled and wait 15 minutes or alternatively take herbal teas and organic fruit juices. If after these 15 minutes you still feel hungry eat a piece of fruit or a cracker.
In a nut shell all that is required to achieve desired weight and good health in general is awareness of unique facts that guarantee success. When choosing slimming pills and aids as well as other health products, go for the ones that have undergone clinical trials and with good genuine testimonies. Read labels carefully. Know about your health status and make extra research on you own. Know about your genetic make up as there are a number of disorders that mimic each other while some endocrine disorders can cause opportunistic infections. These tips in the meantime and of course infinitely will guide you on your weight management goal by updating your knowledge as staying informed. Excel in great health and look great as well.
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